Partners and Friends
“I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.” - Helen Keller
LAVICCARE Uganda would like to thank everyone who is willing to contribute. With your help we are able to give the gift of life, education and assistance to the children in need and the entire community. We thank you again for your continued care and support.
If you are interested in volunteering with LAVICCARE be prepared for an experience that will change your life! The people in Bussi Island go out of their way to make you feel welcome and the work that you do can make such a difference to the lives of the children and the community. We encourage you to come either in a group or individually. A work plan will be given that is designed specifically for you so that you will be able to best use your skills to serve the children and the community on Lake Victoria Islands. We know that you will be blessed by your time here and only ask that you demonstrate Christian behavior, and be respectful of the children and the community. We look forward to meeting you. We extensively rely on a community of volunteers to ensure the success of its Projects. You can help by
Hold a One-Time Fundraiser: You may decide to hold one major fundraiser and through the LAVICCARE office determine where to best direct the funds raised.
Sponsor a Child with a dollar a day or 3,500 Uganda shillings to provide an orphan or otherwise vulnerable child with tuition, a uniform, and books for one year. You will receive information about and a photo of the child. If you choose, you can write to your child and become an encourager.
Support a Project Individually or with a Group Manageable and accountable with defined leadership
4. We also highly encourage and cherish short-term missions.
Accountability Measures
Financial accountability is essential to honor the donors and to build trust. Our partners and individual friends work very hard to raise the funds sent to LAVICCARE. They are eager to help the needy children and expect to hear about where and how the funds have been spent. Accountability is imbedded into each of the LAVICCARE projects and Initiatives. The steps are transparent and the trail is easy to follow.
A strong and diverse Board of Directors supervises the on-going measures and practices of the organization.
Cheques/checks are made out to Lake Victoria Islands Child Care
Funds are allocated to specific areas (in consultation with the donor)
Small project funds are kept separate from administration funds.
Dual signatures are required on every withdrawal of funds or transfers.
Photos are taken and receipts are collected
Your gift means a great deal to our organization, but even more to the children and the community who rely on LAVICCARE for help. Ugandan children living on the islands of Lake Victoria will be blessed with your ongoing support through health programs, education, food, and meeting basic needs.
As a non-government organization, LAVICCARE relies on the generosity of others. Through our partnership with you we can continue to provide assistance to the needy children. Together lets join the boat to bring light to children living in the shadows.